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Proofing Inks

Mosstype proofing ink for Flexo Plates and Dies is available in red, blue, yellow, black, and white in handy 8 oz. squeeze tubes. Application is easy: a small bead squeezed onto the ink slab rolls out smoothly with an inking brayer. The brayer then transfers ink evenly to the plate for quick and accurate proofing. While on the slab, ink retains its working consistency for extended periods at normal room temperature and humidity. For use under conditions of high temperature or humidity, proofing ink extenders are also available.

E.L. Harley proofing inks are available in 8 ounce plastic squeeze bottle in five colors of Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Red and White. These are specially formulated as a non-petroleum non-toxic paste ink. The ink does not contain any drying agents so it stays wet on the pallet over night. This ink is transparent and works well for proofing out process plates, vignettes, and solids. Clean up is easy with standard flexo cleaners.

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Item IDDescriptionLocationQuantity
/contentonly.aspx?file=images/items/115PRFINKBLK-4K_t.* does not exist
Proofing Ink Black, Water Based, 4 kilogram tub All Printing Resources - HQ
/contentonly.aspx?file=images/items/115PRFINKBLK_t.* does not exist
Proofing Ink Black, Water Based, 24 ounces All Printing Resources - HQ
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